Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My name's Emily. I haven't blogged in more than a week, and I'm feeling...

Hypthetical reader, be warned:  There is no all-encompassing theme or purpose to what you are about to read.  This is an I'm-feeling-guilty-because-I-haven't-blogged-like-I-said-I-would post.

My excuses:  was sick (true); nothing to write about (lie); busy at work (almost true); was playing Pokemon in every waking moment of free time (wish it were a lie).

My favorite exuse:  The weather made me do it!

It has been nothing but snow and ice in these-here parts.  Public school has been open maybe 3 days in the last 2 weeks.  My mom (middle school Spanish profesora) was complaining this morning that she only had a 2-hour delay.  This is what the snow does to us; it makes us lazy and tired and grumpy and I-don't-want-to-do-anything-y.

But anyway.


I can't keep a steady drummer in my life.  (That could be a funny pun.)  Who do I go to for band relationship advice?  Behind the Music seems like a bad choice.  Not that we would have been on VH1 anyway, because there were no drugs or fights involved.  Our drummer is trying to go back to school so he's taking time off from extra stuff to practice technique and all the drummish stuff.  Anyone play drums???

My brain is so not into this.

Guilty blog:  complete.

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